Education and Business Development

New Personal Trainers

Are you new to the industry and confused about the best option and how to get started in the industry?


    • Lower risk
    • Paid a wage
    • No start-up costs or gym rent/fees
    • Restricted/Controlled hours
    • Limited jobs/positions
    • Less control

(work inside a gym)

    • You’re in control
    • Unlimited earning potential
    • Work your own hours
    • Higher risk
    • Locked in for 6-12 months
    • Start-up costs and gym fees/rent

So you have a certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness and you are now a
“Qualified” Personal Trainer.
Did you know?

As new graduates 95% do not end up using their degree and entering the fitness industry. Of the 5% that use their degree less than 1% remain as personal trainers a year later.

Find out how we can help from here

Established Personal Trainers

Are you already a personal trainer and frustrated with everything?

Creating success can be difficult as we need to master ALL areas

There is always a solution!

Courtenay Williams

Premier PT has helped me in so many ways with my business, the information they give is so valuable. I have done some private mentoring and now I have completed the business building course and I cannot recommend Premier PT enough for any new and upcoming trainers. I was so overwhelmed when I started in the fitness industry but Premier PT cleared up so many things for me!

0426 212 647

Kendyl Ross

This course was more than I expected and although I had doubts about the price initially, it was worth it. I learnt more about business, sales and marketing than I did in my cert and I was able to understand more about muscular origin/insertion etc. My sales improved even within the third week of the course and I’m excited to see how Premier PT can help me even further in the future.

0450 277 719

Natasha Peake

This course is definitely one of the most professional courses I have ever completed. Coby is such an extremely knowledgeable trainer with such compassion and experience in the fitness industry. I have learnt so much more on this course then any university studies I have done. Well done Premier PT, loved it!<

0421 912 307

Mark Shakes

I cannot wait to put the things I have learnt on this course into practice. Premier PT has given me new tools and confidence to really build my PT Business.

0417 890 066

Brandon Harrison

Premier PT has opened my eyes to what i can realistically expect to see out in the fitness industry. I now feel more prepared and excited about entering the industry.

0439 263 336

Kameron Casey

Excellent course and knowledge to suit all needs. I would recommend Premier PT to other personal trainers if they want that extra knowledge, and I will be using all the information and skills in my own business.

0439 263 336

Aaron Cedras

I would definitely refer Premier PT to any other PT, no matter their level of experience. There was so much to learn from Premier PT!

0424 045 121

Jasmine Robertson

I found the classes to be very beneficial in gaining knowledge and realising different muscle activation. I was very impressed in how much was covered in the short period of time.

0419 133 030

Alexandra Read

I really learnt a lot from the course and I’ve already implemented what I’ve been taught into my business. I would recommend Premier PT to any personal trainer looking to improve their business or touch up on their personal training knowledge.

0437 412 144

Josh Garland

Premier PT goes further into breaking down and explaining the why behind everything. Which is what makes their coaching realistic and applicable for all personal trainers to go out and apply in the gym to not only get results for your clients but your business as well.

0426 209 161

Ky Bricknell

Awesome course, great amount of knowledge gained. After I finished my PT qualifications I felt like I was not even remotely ready to go out and coach clients, but after these 3 weeks I can’t wait. Best decision ever!!!

0437 196 394

Bernice Welsh

Best course I’ve ever done. What I have learnt is mind blowing. Wished the course went for longer. This was the best decision ever and all of the information given was like liquid gold. I would recommend Premier PT to any PT for their business, 10/10 loved every minute. Mind blowing!

0402 509 466

Dustin Diep

Excellent course overall. I will definitely be implementing the information taught for my own business. The level of knowledge is first class in relation to training and nutrition, but also with the business side of things that a lot of PT’s do not think about.

0414 541 523

Krystal Maiolo

I feel I have learnt more during this course than I did at my PT course, I can’t wait to apply what I have learnt not only for my clients but also for myself.

0405 369 870

Reuben Hesse

Premier PT opened my eyes and showed me so much more than I thought there was to being a PT. I would strongly recommend the course to anyone fresh into the industry or who may be lacking knowledge, sales skills, or confidence.

0412 259 127

Michael Amoah

After doing this course I am more confident on how to work in the industry and I now have much more business knowledge. I would definitely recommend Premier PT to all trainers.

0450 474 839

Sarah Neil

The sessions are a good balance of theory and practical to keep you mentally switched on and thinking of new ideas. The information is all amazing and very helpful in growing and sustaining a successful PT Business, which is delivered in a fun and friendly environment that leaves you feeling confident.

There are 2 ways we can help- it’s simple

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again. But expecting different results. Albert Einstein

Dont Wish it was easier,wish you were better.don’t wish for less problems,wish for more skills.dont wish for less challenges.wish for more wisdom. JIM Rohn

1. Premier Training And Education

    • Injury management and rehab
    • Competition prep and sports training
    • Advanced nutrition and gut health
    • Advanced program design and integration
    • Special populations training
    • Connecting with your client and creating an experience
    • Practical demonstrations and training in fully equipped gyms- The best way to learn is to experience the training yourself
    • Sales- How to convince a total stranger you can help them with their goals
    • Role plays- The best way to prepare you for the real fitness industry
    • Marketing- How to actually get clients online and over the phone
    • Help you build a real six figure income and actually enjoy what you do
    • Unlimited contact with our head coaches and educators
    • Face to face meetings- 1 on 1 and small group options available
    • Whilst learning and growing your confidence we can help you start your business or find you
      placement in a gym to start training clients
    • Various locations available to suit your needs- We also come to you
    • Unlimited access to everything we use in our own business to help save you time and money

Enter your details so we can send you details on upcoming events and seminars

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2. Career With Us

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Why choose us to help you?

    1. We put our money where our mouth is. We have our own trainers representing Premier PT at gyms across Australia that actually earn over six
      figures per year- that’s how confident we are in not only getting our clients results but also helping our trainers create success.
    2. We cover both training and nutrition not just the sales and marketing. At the end of the day if you can’t get results for your clients no matter their
      goal, you will never be a successful trainer. This means we have a very unique style of training and business approach which is why our trainers are
      so successful.
    3. We have pathways at the end of our education and mentoring. You can start with us, we can help you start any fitness business, or we can help you
      get started in a gym or facility.
    4. From our marketing we can supply you with actual paying clients, not just show you how to get them yourself.
    5. We don’t charge an arm and a leg to help you with your business and we give you access to all of the same processes and documents we use in our
      own business that has helped us create success.

Guaranteed success


I would make the Premier PT course mandatory for ALL graduating personal trainers- it is that good!

0414 775 063


I learnt so much more in 6 days with Premier PT then doing my whole certificate 3&4 in fitness. It was a fun environment as well and I was excited to learn more things every day.

0406 216 000

Matt Shumack

Amazing! I learnt more in 30 minutes with Premier PT than anywhere else in 6 months; my mind was blown from each lesson. Premier PT makes you feel ready to get into the industry with confidence and the knowledge needed to be successful.

0450 310 414

Laura Hart

I now feel a lot more ready to smash it out in the industry thanks to the real world information Premier PT provides. Definitely see this course as a “must do” if you want to be that better than average trainer- that Premier PT!

0401 307 425

Let our passion drive your success

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